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Jan Meere

Upcoming Performances:

Mar 1
Ludwig’s Mountain View
Karneval - Fastnacht – Fasching!
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

May 17
Teske's Germania
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Jun 7
Teske's Germania
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Click here for the full schedule.

Profile: Jan Meere

Jan (pronounced "Yahn"), as you might guess from all the different musical instruments listed to the left, is known for his versatility. In addition to most brass instruments and several types of saxophones, Jan can sing lead and backup vocals (in several languages), sit in on drums, peruse an electronic keyboard, play auxiliary percussion, throw in an occasional yodel, and still manage to find the time and coordination required to queue up the special effects lighting.

Trumpet,  Flugelhorn
Baritone Horn,  Alto Sax
Tenor Sax,  Percussion,

(Glockenspeil, Harp, Zither, Sitar, Cow Bell, Spoons...  well,
you get the idea)

Prior to joining The Internationals™, Jan played for many years in his father's band, as well as with several other groups. So he brings with him many years of experience and a wide variety of musical repertoire.

You would think that, with all he does, Jan would burn out. But fortunately for the band, he's fueled almost entirely by beer (with an occasional schnapps "pick me up", of course)!